Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine's Day card from Hell

Here is what J wrote.

I know right now we are having problems and we don't know how it will end. All we can do is have hope. I do appreciate everything you do and I do love you. I do feel that but to what level I just don't know. Maybe if we can work this out, it will make us stronger in the end. If not then we know we tried. I still want to tell you I love you but at the same time not mislead you.

Just remember I do love you but love cannot fix everything. If it could then we would not be here we are right now. I would have fixed it a long time ago. Just remember it takes time for things to fail and to get fixed. And we both need time to think and see what happens.

BTW I did not get your gift as the kids were sick and we need to understand what's going on.

Isn't that the sentiment every woman wants to hear on Valentine's Day?


Mama All-Star said...

Sweetheart, I am so sorry that he is doing this. My heart is breaking over and over for you. He is talking circles and nothing is making sense to me with this card. =( I wish for your sake he didn't give it to you. Sending all my love and strength to you.

1.You are a strong, beautiful, wonderful woman-No matter what you will survive.
2.I have your back-No matter what.

I love you.

mamakohl said...

Damn, damn, damn. I'm so sorry, Mama.