Saturday, February 17, 2007

One of those little things

So maybe it was last year that J told me that he slept better with my pillow. Something about how I scrunch it up and how it smelled like my shampoo, etc. It was a very sweet little moment and stood in my memory because he doesn't say sappy things like that.

Ok so now let's move forward to the more recent past. A couple of months ago, J got territorial about which pillows go on which side of the bed, to the point he wrote our names on the pillows. It drove me a little nuts and I did notice that suddenly my pillow wasn't as comfortable, etc. Hmmm, wonder how that happens. But I decided to not make a big issue out of it.

So yesterday I washed our sheets, working on decontaminating our house a little and when we were making the bed, I subtly pointed out how my pillow had both his and mine names on it. Then I reminded him how he commented on liking my pillow so much and how over time, it had become his pillow. He switched them back.

Little things.

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