Tuesday, February 27, 2007

And now for something totally different

I can't remember if I have mentioned this before, but I do have some unusual dreams. Every so often I have an extremely vivid dream of someone else's life. I don't know who or why, but in the dream, I am someone totally different. Nothing in the dream is familiar to my regular life. 1000% of it is unrelated to me. Only once was it dramatic, where I saw a crime committed (Alison DuBois kinda moment) but I never saw anything in the news to make me believe I was accessing something happening.

So anyway last night's was very different. I was an 17 year old girl. My family had over a dozen kids and we had all been adopted. There was a brother that I thought of as my twin, even though we were not blood relatives, we were just the same age. We were the oldest of all the kids and like in many large families, we helped out a lot with our siblings.

Our father was a doctor and honestly I don't remember the mother in the dream. I do remember some red headed brothers who were very mischevious. Dad had been transferred to a new hospital, one that was largely empty. The only patients were all in comas and so there wasn't too much worry about all of us kids in disturbing the patients. We moved into the hospital and the girls had one ward and the boys had another. My "twin" managed an exam room of his own but I slept with my sisters.

Apparently I must have been ill or somehow very fragile. I know at one point, I found an abandoned waterfall garden and I fell into the water. My twin brother carried me in and there was a great deal of fussing, which seemed comfortable, like I was used to the fuss.

Oh and an important note, Dad looked Thomas Gibson. Not exactly like him but that kind of good looking. Again, nothing like my real life. ;-)

There were several other fragments of the life, very detailed, very full bodied memories which have stuck with me even after these hours of being awake. And another interesting thing is that this dream all occurred with these high level of details in just a couple of hours. I didn't sleep much last night so I can pretty much pin point the exact hours I had this dream. This is common when I have these types of dreams.

Someday I would love to have a good explanation for these. But for now, it is kind of fun to live someone else's life, even if just for a couple of hours. I didn't grab any names in this one, but often I do, at least first names. Never enough to say where they happen or even when. Just a piece of someone else's life. I just hope that whoever it is isn't getting my life in exchange. That just wouldn't be fair.

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