Monday, May 28, 2007

8 Things You Don't Know About Me

Damn these are hard. I hate you Kimmah for making me think this hard.

1. I have a wart like growth on my right nipple.

2. I can only wink with my left eye, can't do it to save my life with my right eye.

3. I'm still scared of mirrors at night, having played Bloody Mary as a kid.

4. I really don't understand basketball rules.

5. I liked playing tennis as a teenager but never had anyone to play with so I never got into it more.

6. I have no sense of tone or rhythm so dancing and singing is beyond embarrassing. And I love doing both when no one is around.

7. I don't think I have ever studied for a test in my life.

8. I love to listen to gossip.

Ok, so I will tag KimmieD. She has to do this next.


Mama All-Star said...

I only knew a couple of these. Amazing..

Kimmah said...

#8? i demand a do-over, ma'am. things we DON'T know ;-)